For English see below

Vi har konstateret, at vi i forbindelse med den løbende ændring af folkepensionsalderen fra 2015 ikke har rådgivet nogle af vores kunder godt nok om, hvordan ændringen påvirkede deres pensionsopsparing.

Nogle af vores kunder har på grund af forhøjelsen af folkepensionsalderen fået udskudt det tidspunkt, hvor de tidligst kan få udbetalt deres pensionsopsparing – og vi burde i den forbindelse have kontaktet og rådgivet dem om, at de derfor burde overveje at ændre deres pensionsopsparing. 

Fordi vi ikke har været opmærksomme på at gøre dette, har vi siden da nedtrappet risikoen på investeringen af deres pensionsopsparing hen mod et for tidligt tidspunkt, hvor vi ikke forventer, at de ønsker at gå på pension.

Det kan betyde, at flere af vores kunder har fået mindre i afkast på deres pensionsopsparing, fordi risikoen er blevet nedtrappet hen mod et tidligere tidspunkt, end vi anbefaler.

Vi beklager, at vi ikke har været opmærksomme på at rådgive vores kunder om denne konsekvens af ændringen i folkepensionsalderen – og vi er i gang med at undersøge nøjagtig, hvilke kunder der er omfattet, og hvad det har betydet for dem.

35.000 kunder får et brev fra os

Vi har derfor i september 2023 sendt et brev til de ca. 35.000 nuværende og tidligere kunder, som kan have været berørt.
Det drejer sig om kunder, som enten har, eller har haft, en pensionsopsparing hos os, og som automatisk har fået nedtrappet risikoen på investeringen af deres pensionsopsparing – enten hen imod det vi kalder deres ’investeringsudløb’ eller hen mod det aftalte tidspunkt for udbetaling af deres pension, og hvor dette tidspunkt har ligget før det tidligste tidspunkt, hvor kunden kan få udbetalt sin pension.
I brevet informerer vi om, at vi er ved at undersøge, om vi har nedtrappet risikoen på investeringen af deres pensionsopsparing for hurtigt, og hvad det i så fald betyder for dem.

Nogle kunder vil få en kompensation
Hvis vi har nedtrappet risikoen på investeringen af kundens pensionsopsparing for hurtigt, og det har betydet, at kunden har fået mindre i afkast på sin pensionsopsparing, så kan det betyde, at kunden kan få en kompensation. For at tage højde for kompensationen af kunderne har vi afsat et beløb på i alt 250 mio. DKK. 

Kunderne skal ikke gøre noget nu
Vores kunder skal ikke gøre noget nu. Vi kontakter de berørte kunder igen, så snart vi er færdige med undersøgelsen. Vi forventer, at vi er færdige med undersøgelsen i starten af 2024.



Omission to advise on raised state pension age and its impact on pension savings

We have become aware that, in connection with the indexation of the state pension age since 2015, we have not adequately advised some of our customers on what impact the change would have on their pension savings.

For some of our customers, the raised state pension age meant that the earliest date of payout of their pension was postponed. In connection with this, we should have contacted them and advised them to consider changing their pension scheme as a result.

Because we failed to do so due to an oversight on our part, we have subsequently based the gradual reduction of risk on their investments on a date that is earlier than the date when we assume they want to retire.

As a consequence of this, some customers may have received a lower return on their pension savings, as the risk has been reduced towards an earlier date than we recommend.

We apologise for the oversight on our part to advise our customers on this consequence of the change to the state pension age, and we are now investigating exactly which of our customers are affected and how it has impacted them.

35,000 customers will receive a letter from us
In September 2023, we therefore sent letters to some 35,000 current and former customers who may be affected.

The customers we have written to are those who either have or previously had a pension scheme with us and who have automatically had the risk on the investment of their pension savings gradually reduced until either what we call the ‘investment expiry date’ or the agreed date of payout of their pension, and where this date is earlier than the earliest date at which the customer can start receiving pension benefits.

In the letter, we inform the customers that we are investigating whether we have gradually reduced the risk on the investment of their pension savings too quickly and, if so, what impact this has on them.

Some customers will receive compensation
If we have gradually reduced the risk on the investment of a customer’s pension savings too quickly, and if this has meant that the customer has received a lower return on his or her pension savings, the customer may be entitled to compensation. To take into account the compensation paid to customers, we have set aside an amount of DKK 250 million.

Customers do not have to do anything for now
Our customers do not have to do anything for now. We will contact affected customers again as soon as we complete our investigation. We expect to have completed the investigation by early 2024.