For English see below

Vi har konstateret en uoverensstemmelse for produktet Danica Balance med saldogaranti, hvor den faktiske risikonedtrapning ikke er beskrevet korrekt i produktets investeringsbetingelser. Uoverensstemmelsen vedrører udelukkende betingelsernes beskrivelse af risikonedtrapningen, og ikke hvordan produktet har virket. Produktet er solgt i perioden 2005-2014, og fejlen er lavet i 2005, da betingelserne blev udformet.

Uoverensstemmelsen vedrører de kunder, der har valgt en investeringsmåde med en risikoprofil, der aftager, efterhånden som kunden bliver ældre. For nogle af disse kunder er risikonedtrapningen igangsat tidligere end beskrevet i kundens investeringsbetingelser.

Vi er kede af fejlen, som vi beklager, og som vi gik i gang med at rette op på, så snart vi opdagede den tidligere i år. Vi har nu skrevet til kunderne, at deres investeringsbetingelser bliver rettet, vi kompenserer relevante kunder, og alle berørte kunder modtager et brev i disse dage. Vi har ikke haft nogen økonomisk vinding ved uoverensstemmelsen. 

Det skal fremhæves, at risikonedtrapningen i Danica Balance med saldogaranti har virket på den måde, det har været tilsigtet. Uoverensstemmelsen består i, at selve beskrivelsen i investeringsbetingelserne ikke stemmer overens med den faktisk udførte risikonedtrapning, hvilket betyder at nogle kunder kan have lidt et tab, som vi kompenserer.

Som følge af uoverensstemmelsen kontakter vi i de her dage de cirka 75.000 kunder, hvor investeringssammensætningen har været anderledes end beskrevet i betingelserne. Der er cirka 6.000 kunder, hvor vi vurderer, at de har fået nedtrappet risikoen hurtigere, end de ville have ønsket.

Det afgørende for vurderingen af, om en kunde er berettiget til kompensation for et manglende afkast som konsekvens af den hurtigere nedtrapning er, hvad kundens forventninger til produktet har været – altså om produktets faktiske virkemåde har stået tilstrækkeligt klart for kunden. De fleste kunder er kommet ind i produktet via personlig rådgivning, hvor en rådgiver har forklaret produktets virkemåde, og de har dermed fået det forventede produkt, som de er blevet oplyst under rådgivningen. Vi har altså undersøgt, hvilke kunder, som kan have forventet, at Danica Balance med nedtrapning af risiko virkede på en anden måde, og som derfor ville have valgt at spare op til pension på en anden måde, hvis vores investeringsbetingelser havde været tydeligere om nedtrapningen af risikoen. På baggrund af de oplysninger har vi vurderet, hvem der har ret til kompensation.

Alle berørte kunder og tidligere kunder informeres om fejlen og vores vurdering af, om de skal have kompensation eller ej. Ved spørgsmål kan du ringe til os på +45 70 13 26 26



Discrepancy between description of gradual reduction of risk in Danica Balance with a minimum payout guarantee

We found a discrepancy between the description of the gradual reduction of risk in Danica Balance with a minimum payout guarantee and the actual gradual reduction of risk.

In the spring of 2022, we found a discrepancy in our product Danica Balance with a minimum payout guarantee as the actual gradual reduction of risk was not described correctly in the investment conditions applying to the product. The discrepancy solely relates to the description of the gradual reduction in our conditions and not to how the product has worked. The product was sold in the period 2005-2014, and the error was made in 2005 when the conditions were drawn up.

The discrepancy affects our customers who have chosen an investment strategy where the risk is gradually reduced as the customers get older. For some of these customers, the gradual reduction of risk was initiated earlier than described in the investment conditions.

We apologise for the error, which we took steps to rectify as soon as it was discovered. We have now contacted the customers and informed them that their investment conditions will be corrected. We are also compensating the relevant customers, and all affected customers will receive a letter about this in the coming days. We have not had any financial gain from the discrepancy.

It should be noted that the gradual reduction of risk in Danica Balance with a minimum payout guarantee has worked as intended. The discrepancy relates to the fact that the description in the investment conditions does not match the actual gradual reduction of risk made, which means that some customers may have suffered a loss. We will compensate these customers.

As a consequence of the discrepancy, we are currently in the process of contacting the approximately 75,000 customers whose investment mix has deviated from the description in the conditions. We assess that, for approximately 6,000 customers, the risk has been gradually reduced faster than they would have wanted.

The decisive factor in assessing whether a customer is entitled to compensation due to lower returns as a consequence of the accelerated reduction of risk is the customer’s expectation of the product, i.e. whether it was made sufficiently clear to the customer how the product would work. Most customers have chosen the product at a meeting where an adviser explained how the product would work, and they have thus received the expected product that they were informed about in connection with our advisory services. We have therefore examined which customers might have expected that Danica Balance with gradual reduction of risk worked in a different way and would have chosen another way to save for retirement if our investment conditions had been clearer in terms of the gradual reduction of risk. On the basis of this information, we assess which customers are entitled to compensation.

All affected customers and former customers will be informed about the error and our assessment of whether they are entitled to compensation. If you have any questions, you can call us on +45 70 13 26 26